HTC ViveVive is a Virtual reality headset developed by HTC in conjunction with Valve. It differentiates itself from the competition with the use of the Lighthouse tracking system that uses lasers to track the headset in 3D space allowing for a large play area, termed room-scale, which allows the player to move about a 15′ x 15′ or smaller play space. It also comes packed with two controllers which are also tracked by the lighthouse system, bringing your hands into VR.

It was unveiled during HTC’s keynote at Mobile World Congress in March 2015. Preorders opened on February 29, 2016 and it launched April 5, 2016. It’s price is $799, which includes the headset, two controllers and two lighthouse base stations.

Resolution: 2160 x 1200 (1080 x 1200 per eye)
Refresh Rate: 90Hz
Field of View: 110°
Positional Tracking System: 2 Lighthouse Base Stations
Weight: 555 Grams
Price: $799