Head Strap Foam Pad for Oculus Quest

Upgrade Your Oculus™ Quest With Our Head Strap Foam Pad

Long gaming sessions on your Oculus Quest can now be much more enjoyable, thanks to our latest VR headset accessory – the Head Strap Foam Pad for Oculus Quest. It is a single foam piece, designed to improve the feel of the original head strap.

When latched to the strap, the foam padding adds a layer of extra comfort to the back of your head, relieving pressure and enhancing the overall ergonomics. And you won’t have to break a sweat to keep it clean – the moisture-resistant PU leather outer covering makes wiping up convenient, allowing you to have a hygienic headset in seconds.

For a better custom fit, we are offering the foam pad in 10mm and 17mm thick. Both versions suit gamers who would like their Oculus Quest to be softly padded but the 17mm foam is especially recommended for younger players or anyone who finds the headset sits too loosely and needs a thicker padding to improve the grip.

Each set includes a foam pad with built-in fasteners for quick installation and removal. You can attach it directly without having to change anything on your headset – it’s as easy as that.

The Head Strap Foam Pad for Oculus Quest is available for purchase at $19.00